
This page contains a list of my favorite tricks and ideas from the literature which are useful in cryptography.

  • Zero Knowledge (ZK) proof of equality by [Kilian92] for proving that the value inside two commitments are identical without using generic ZK (that utilizes Karp reduction). This idea is also implicitly used in Schnorr proofs for Discrete Log Equality (known as DLEQ in the literature). In [Crepeau et. al. 95], a generalization of Kilian's protocol is presented for proving any linear relation (in Z_2) among the values present in multiple commitments.

  • Cuckoo hashing, introduced in [Pagh et. al. 04], provides a better way of avoiding collisions when maintaining hash tables. [Pinkas et. al. 16] empirically analyzed the parameters of cuckoo hashing for Private Set Intersection (PSI). [Shah et. al. 21 Appendix A.2] contains a summary of the parameters.

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